CTS Strapline

Quality Assurance

Occupational Therapy

You can be totally confident in the support, advice and recommendations you receive from the Children’s Therapy Solutions team.

We operate a ‘best practice’ model and have procedures in place to track and review the services that we offer.

In line with the Health Care Professional Council, The Royal College of Occupational Therapists and Data Protection Act and GDPR 2018 standards and ethics, we confirm that we:

  • Audit, reflect on and review practice on a regular basis
  • Understand and implement the principles of quality control and quality assurance
  • Maintain effective audit trails and work towards continual improvement
  • Participate, where appropriate, in quality assurance programmes
  • Operate in a totally discrete manner and confidentiality is guaranteed
Quality Assurance


As part of our Quality Assurance all our OT reports are regularly audited by our clinical management team. They are checked for appropriate content and relevant recommendations.

Programmes and treatment

All programmes and equipment recommendations are checked, reviewed and approved by our clinical management team.

Company Commitment

ISO cert 9001:2015

Finance and expenses

All finance and expenses are reviewed prior to issue and conform to our strict protocol on cost-effectiveness and value for money.

We are proud of our commitment to quality. Work with us, and we guarantee a service based on excellence and integrity.

If you have any questions about our quality control protocol, please don’t hesitate to contact us.