
Sensory Rooms in the Community

Blogger Pip Else - Paediatric OT

26th April 2017


We recently posted a link on our Facebook page explaining about the new sensory room in Shannon Airport.

This is the first European Airport sensory room and should hopefully encourage other airports to create their own sensory environment.


Support Systems in British airports

It is fast approaching the holiday season and now is the time to get prepared.

Last July we posted some links for other supportive systems which are used in British airports, here are the links again with some additions:


Hopefully we have given you some ideas for how to help over the holiday period. There are a lot of crowd funding pages out there which are raising money to build sensory rooms. If you cannot find one in your local area, why not look to see if others are already raising money to support this project.


Please follow our Facebook page where we post daily links