Expert witness for tribunals
We offer expert tribunal assessments and reports and work with solicitors, families and Local Educational Authorities to ensure your child has the necessary Occupational Therapist and support mechanisms to succeed in their future.
We can work with you on Special Educational Needs and medico legal cases by assessing the child or young person and attending court as a witness to support and gain the necessary outcomes to support the child/young person in their learning and rehabilitation.
Our experts are also clinicians to maintain a true perspective of the child/young persons requirements working in differing environments to make sure they have a full understanding of their needs and requirements You can therefore be confident that all our CTS experts are properly qualified to represent your clients’ interests.
Under SEN requirements
We abide by the British Association of Occupational Therapists’ Guidelines to support the SEN process in providing:
- Detailed areas of the child’s educational needs from an Occupational Therapy perspective
- Details of the provision required such as the approach and frequency of Occupational Therapy intervention needs to be specified and justified.
- A succinct report to identify and explain the Occupational Therapist needs of the child in relation to learning, education and the school setting.
- A description and justification of the Occupational Therapy intervention required to meet these needs, avoiding all ambiguity, questionable reasoning or personal preference so that the content is universally understood
Assurances of our professional obligation to the child or young person when making specific recommendations relating to their needs within his or her whole educational environment.